Lecture and Colloquium Tech & Society with Catherine Jestin
Tuesday, November 19th
from 7.00 to 8.30pm
Auditorio Espacio Fundación Telefónica
Aspen Institute España and Fundación Telefónica will host the second Lecture and Colloquium of the VIII Edition of the Tech & Society Program next Tuesday, November 19th with Catherine Jestin, Executive Vice President Digital at Airbus.
Catherine Jestin
She has been Executive Vice President Digital at Airbus since 1 July 2021 and is a member of the Company’s Executive Committee. The main focus of Catherine’s organisation is to foster digital innovation across Airbus’ industrial ecosystem and its products and services portfolio, accelerating data analytics, artificial intelligence, automation and services for customers as well as digital security for the Company. Catherine works to reinforce the transversal cooperation across Airbus functions company-wide in order to continue the successful deployment of the Digital Design, Manufacturing & Services (DDMS) programme, established to enable co-design capabilities and digital continuity system-wide. Catherine had previously held the position of Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Airbus since March 2020. In this role, she was responsible for driving state-of-the-art Information Technology systems and solutions in support of Airbus employees, customers and suppliers. Prior to this position, Catherine was Chief Information Officer at Airbus Helicopters, a role that she held from July 2013 to February 2020. Before joining Airbus, Catherine held a variety of positions, between 2007 and 2013, at Rio Tinto in Montreal, Canada within the field of Information Systems & Technology (IS&T). Catherine also spent 17 years at Accenture and was nominated Partner in 2002, a position that she held for five years.
VIII Edición del Programa Tech & Society
El Programa Tech&Society se ha convertido en el principal foro en España para la reflexión acerca de las grandes cuestiones planteadas por los avances de la tecnología digital. La VIII edición albergará a distintos líderes de todos los sectores de la sociedad civil para debatir acerca de los nuevos retos tecnológicos y su influencia en ámbitos tan diversos como las relaciones humanas, la política, la educación, la cultura, la economía o la medicina.
Leigh Hafrey, catedrático en el MIT Sloan School of Management, Sandy Parakilas, asesor del Center for Humane Technology que recientemente apareció en el documental de Netflix «El dilema de las redes sociales», Cathy O’Neil, autora del libro “Armas de destrucción matemática: Cómo el Big Data aumenta la desigualdad y amenaza la democracia”, Beth Noveck, directora de The Gov Lab y profesora de Tecnología, Cultura y Sociedad en NYU y quien dirigió la Iniciativa de Gobierno Abierto del Gobierno de Obama son solo algunos de los ponentes que han pasado por el Programa de Tech & Society a lo largo de las distintas ediciones.
En nuestro canal de YouTube podrás acceder a las entrevistas y conferencias completas de cada de las sesiones que hemos celebrado.