Sponsors & Collaborators
Sharing our vision and goals.
The Aspen Institute model, adapted to the Spanish context.
Board of Trustees
Chaired by Dr. Javier Solana Madariaga, met for the first time on March 15, 2011.
Vision, Mission, and the Aspen Method of debate.
Sponsors & Collaborators
Since its inception, Aspen Institute España has been supported by a number of institutions and individuals.
Since its inception, Aspen Institute España has had the support of civil society leaders and corporations who share its vision and objectives and generously contribute to the work of the Institute. Dr. Javier Solana is the President of the Board of Trustees of Aspen Institute España.
Aspen Institute España is, additionally, member of the Spanish Association of Foundations.
Individual Partners
Leonard Lauder
Pedro Parada
Clare Muñana
Oscar Fanjul
Crista Ruiz de Arana
Julia Sánchez
Salomé Santos
Noelia Amoedo
Román Gil
Ricardo Martí-Fluxá
Alex Pallete
Lorenzo Zavala
Pablo Pardo
María Sicilia
Marian Ahumada
Gonzalo Arana
Santiago Barrenechea
José María Calvo-Sotelo
Salomé Cisnal de Ugarte
Domingos Cruz
Xavier Coll
Marta Colomina
Cristina Crespo
Antonio Delgado
Arancha Díaz-Lladó
Irene del Pino
José Luis Escario
Pablo Esteves
Miguel Herrero
Carmen Pérez-Llorca
Carlos Pitillas
Isabel Raventós
José Manuel Rodríguez
Luz Rodríguez
Romana Sadurska
José Salazar
Luis Villa
Tamyko Ysa
Alfonso Goizueta
Isabel Fernández
Institutional & Academic Partners