27 octubre 2016
US Elections 2016
Edificio Telefónica

US Elections 2016


Ponentes: Mickey Edwards, Vicepresidente de The Aspen Institute, miembro del Congreso de EEUU por Oklahoma de 1977-1992 y fundador del Aspen Congressional Program (The Aspen Institute), Elizabeth Sherman, Profesora de Política Estadounidense en la American University (Washington, DC)

El Programa Aspen Ideas@Lunch tiene como objetivo constituir un foro de debate sobre liderazgo y políticas públicas para líderes emergentes de distintos sectores de la sociedad, muchos de los cuales ya han participado en programas de Aspen España. Con ocasión de la publicación de libros o al hilo de la actualidad, reunimos a grupos de entre 20 y 25 personas (previa inscripción y hasta completar aforo) para un almuerzo-debate con expertos sobre geopolítica, nuevas tecnologías, liderazgo, energía o economía internacional.


Biografía de los ponentes:

Elizabeth Sherman, Assistant Professor, Department of Government. Professor Sherman brings over two decades of teaching, research, and administrative experience to her classes in American Politics. As founding director of the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts Boston, Dr. Sherman established the focal point for graduate education, research, and public engagement on issues concerning women in public life. A former Research Fellow at the Center for Public Leadership at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, Dr. Sherman completed research on economic challenges facing women in the workplace, and the potential for statewide policies on family leave and comparable worth. Dr. Sherman hosted her own award-winning public radio program, Commonwealth Journal, and has spoken and written widely on women in politics.

Mickey Edwards, Director, Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership was a member of Congress for 16 years, serving on the House Budget and Appropriations Committees and as a chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee. After leaving Congress he taught for 11 years at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government before moving on first to Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and then back to Washington, DC, as vice president of the Aspen Institute, where he directs a bipartisan fellowship for elected public officials. Edwards, who grew up in Oklahoma City, has degrees in both law and journalism. He began his career as a newspaper editor and reporter and later won awards in advertising and public relations before being elected to Congress. While teaching at Harvard he returned to journalism as a weekly political columnist for the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times and broadcast a weekly commentary on National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered”. Edwards is a board member of both the Constitution Project, where he has chaired task forces on judicial independence and the war power and the Project on Government Oversight. He was a member of the American Bar Association’s select task force on the use of presidential signing statements and the American Society of International Law’s task force on the International Criminal Court and has chaired policy task forces for both the Brookings Institution and the Council on Foreign Relations. Among his books are “Reclaiming Conservatism”, published in 2008 by Oxford University Press, and “The Parties Versus the People: How to Turn Republicans and Democrats Into Americans”, published in 2013 by Yale University Press. His articles have appeared frequently in publications ranging from the New York Times and the Washington Post to Daedalus, The Public Interest, and the Atlantic. He is a frequent public speaker and has been a guest on many of the nation’s leading radio and television news and opinion broadcasts.

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    Aspen Institute España


  • Elizabeth Sherman
  • Mickey Edwards
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