02 November 2020
Café Aspen at RNE: “What’s at stake globally in the US elections?”
On November 2, we held the second session of the Café Aspen at RNE on “What’s at stake globally in the US elections?” with Juan Moscoso del Prado, Director of Deusto Global Affairs World Affairs – Strategic Issues at Deusto Business School and Director of the Entrepreneurship and Public Affairs programs, Head of the Department of RR.II. of Foreign Action of the Consejo Económico y Social and Aspen Spain Fellow, the journalist Fiona Maharg and José M. de Areilza, Secretary General of Aspen Institute España.
The Program is directed and moderated by Íñigo Alfonso, journalist and Director of Las Mañanas de RNE and Aspen España Fellow.
Aspen Institute España, together with Radio Nacional de España, develops a space for reflection in which a diverse group of Aspen Alumni gathers to escape an increasingly polarized political environment and discuss “ideas for action”. These programs are directed and moderated by Íñigo Alfonso, Aspen España Fellow and are broadcast on «Las mañanas de RNE». In this section you will find the podcasts of the previous programs.