15 February 2024
9:30 pm
 Aspen Ideas: “Culture of dialogue: politics and economics”

 Aspen Ideas: “Culture of dialogue: politics and economics”


Aspen Institute España held a debate session of the Aspen Ideas Program next 15 February. Faced with an uncertain economic outlook and a polarised political space, marked globally by the redistributive impact of climate policies, armed conflicts, the crisis in supply chains, and changes in international economic relations, we at Aspen Institute Spain believe that it is more necessary than ever to foster a culture of dialogue. We face great challenges that affect the political and economic life of our society and that require collaboration. We propose this meeting as part of the Aspen Ideas debates as a place for dialogue between leaders of different sensibilities and sectors, where differences can be understood to seek the common good together.


The session was structured around two round tables of expert speakers, one oriented towards the political dimension, between 9:30 and 11: 00h, which will be moderated by Juan Moscoso del Prado, Head of the Department of Technical Assistance to the General Secretariat and International Relations of the Economic and Social Council of Spain (CES), Professor at EsadeGeo and Aspen España Fellow, and another dedicated to economic challenges, between 11:30h and 13:00h, moderated by María Sicilia, Director of the Investment Office of Enagás and Aspen España Fellow.

Aspen Ideas "Diálogos Aspen: política y economía"


Juan Moscoso del Prado

He is Head of the Department of Technical Assistance to the General Secretariat and International Relations of the Economic and Social Council of Spain (CES) (joined in 1994) and senior fellow at Esade Geo and professor (Esade Centre for Global Economy and Geopolitics). PhD in Economics and Business Administration from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (also graduated from the UAM, specialising in Economic Theory). Master’s degree in Economics from the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium). Diploma in Economics from the University of Kent (United Kingdom). Member of the Spanish Parliament in the VIII, IX and X legislatures for Navarre (2004-2016), where he was spokesman of the Economy Committee and the Joint Committee for the European Union, and member of the Federal Executive Committee (CEF) of the PSOE. In 2011 he was a candidate for mayor of Pamplona and later a councillor. Associate Professor of Economics at the Carlos III University of Madrid (1996-2004), Deusto Business School (2017-2022), and economist at Analistas Financieros Internacionales (AFI) and BANESTO. He has worked as an expert for the European Commission, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), as well as analyst, advisor and private consultant for different companies and educational and civil society institutions and foundations. Author of Emprendedores y función empresarial en España, (Instituto de Estudios Económicos, 2008), Ser hoy de izquierdas, (Deusto, 2014).Fellow of the Aspen Institute Spain and the German-Marshall Fund in the United States.He studied high school in Pamplona and in the United States.


María Sicilia

She is Director of the Enagás Investment Office and Co-Chair of the European Hydrogen Backbone initiative. She is also an independent director at Soltec and Tubos Reunidos. Previously, she was Deputy Director General of Energy Planning for the Spanish Government, Head of Foresight at Iberdrola, Senior Analyst for Electricity Markets at the International Energy Agency at the OECD and Regulatory Economist at Ofgem, the regulatory authority for electricity and gas markets in the UK. In addition, within the Spanish Administration she was Advisor for energy issues to the Secretary of State for Economy and Energy Advisor at the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU. María is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Real Instituto Elcano, of the Editorial Committee of the journal Política Exterior and of the Spanish chapter of the European Council on International Relations.

European Council on International Relations. She holds a degree in Law with a specialisation in Business Law from the Universidad Complutense – C.E.U. San Pablo, an MPA in Economic Policy with a specialisation in Industrial Organisation from the London School of Economics, executive training from Harvard Business School and INSEAD, and is Aspen España Fellow.


 Aspen Ideas Program

The Aspen Ideas Program aims to provide a forum for debate on current issues for emerging leaders from different sectors of society, many of whom have already participated in Aspen Spain programs. On the occasion of the publication of books or in the light of current affairs, we bring together groups of 30 people in debates with experts on geopolitics, new technologies, leadership, energy, or international economics. This Program includes several session formats: Aspen Espresso, breakfast debates held between 9 am and 11 am, Aspen Ideas@Lunch, lunch debates held between 2 pm and 4 pm, Aspen Ideas Online, debates held in digital format, and Aspen Ideas Alumni, dinner debates held from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm for Alumni who have participated in Aspen Seminars.



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  • Juan Moscoso del Prado
  • María Sicilia
  • Debate