03 March 2021
9:30 am
Café Aspen at RNE: «A Level Playing Field for New Technologies»

Café Aspen at RNE: «A Level Playing Field for New Technologies»


On Wednesday, March 3rd, we hosted a new Café Aspen at RNE about “A Level Playing Field for New Technologies” with José M. de Areilza, Secretary General of Aspen Institute España; Cristóbal Rodríguez, Counsel for the Council of State; Alejandro Romero, COO from Constella Intelligence and Aspen España Fellow; and Salomé Santos, Agriculture Director of Azucarera and Aspen España Fellow.


Aspen Institute España, together with Radio Nacional de España, develops a space for reflection in which a diverse group of Aspen Alumni meets to escape from an increasingly polarized political environment and discuss ideas for action. These programs are directed and moderated by Íñigo Alfonso, Aspen Institute España Fellow, and are broadcast on “Las mañanas de RNE”.

More information

  • José M. de Areilza
  • Cristóbal Rodríguez Giménez
  • Alejandro Romero
  • Salomé Santos
  • Íñigo Alfonso
  • Debate