“An intergenerational dialogue on values”
Aspen Institute España organized the round table “An intergenerational dialogue on values” during the II Edition of La Toja Vínculo Atlántico Forum, held from October 1st to 3rd, 2020 on the Isla de la Toja (Pontevedra). José M. de Areilza Carvajal, Secretary General of Aspen Institute España, moderated this round table in which Rocío Martínez-Sampere, Director of Felipe González Foundation and Aspen España Fellow; Lucía Gandarillas, Public Sector Consultant at Accenture Spain and Aspen España Alumni; and Antonio Huertas, President of Mapfre. During the debate, the speakers deepened into the challenges of the younger generations in their laboral future.
This Forum, inaugurated by King Felipe VI and by the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, was created in 2019 with the aspiration of establishing a space for reflection and public conversation. In this second edition, politicians, businessmen, journalists, political scientists, NGO managers, among other professionals, met to discuss and reflect on the post-covid-19 world. The round tables and conferences addressed issues such as possible policies for economic recovery, digitization, the functioning of multilateral institutions or globalization. This edition also hosted dialogues on digitization, Europe’s response to the covid-19 crisis and the challenge of governing in times of pandemic, all very demanding challenges. It was closed on Saturday, October 3 by Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government of Spain.
- José M. de Areilza
- Rocío Martínez-Sampere
- Conference