Politics and Global Citizenship Program 2016-2017
Given the current times, Aspen Institute Spain considers it a priority to resume a program that serves as a space for debate and collaboration among those dedicated to careers in public service and who have demonstrated great leadership potential. The objective of the new Politics and Global Citizenship Program inherited from our Political Leadership Program, is to offer participants the opportunity to explore in-depth complex questions related to public policy, with leaders from a diverse range of sectors and with internationally-recognized experts. Over the course of a year, program participants will have the opportunity to explore proposed themes in a non-partisan environment in which they can form personal relationships that will transcend political affiliations and are crucial for the pursuit of intelligent and innovative solutions to our country´s most pressing problems.
This initiative is coordinated by Juan Moscoso del Prado and co-directed by Juan and also Guillermo Mariscal (Grupo Popular). The program is structured across 5-6 seminar sessions throughout the year, in the form of open discussions and with the objective of discussing topics relevant to the themes of politics and public services, such as geopolitics, leadership, energy, and the international economy. The program concludes in July with a day and a half long session, in which participants participate in a version of the Aspen Seminar, a round-table discussion of values-based leadership and the hallmark seminar of the Aspen Institute world-wide.