01 December 2021 | Blog Princesa 18
“Information Disorder” Report
By: Aspen Institute España

Vivian Schiller, Director of Aspen Digital, announced in a session of our Tech & Society Program, organized in collaboration with Fundación Telefónica, the issue of a pioneering research entitled “Information disorder” carried out by the Commission created to this purpose by the Aspen Institute (USA).

This Commission, made up of sixteen experts from a diverse group from across the political spectrum, representing academia, government, journalism and civil society, has worked intensively over the course of six months to identify and prioritize the most critical causes of information disorder. It proposes a set of short-term actions and longer-term goals to help tackle this crisis of faith in key institutions and the way democracy itself is working.

The Report (link) contains fifteen recommendations for how government, private industry, and civil society can help to increase transparency, promote understanding, build trust and reduce harms.

Vivian Schiller, in Madrid, claimed for preserving a vibrant journalism at the service of civic values which must be able to transmit “nuance and context”.

Read or downlowd the full report here:

Copyright © Photo Irene Medina. Courtesy of Fundación Telefónica.

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