Aspen España Fellows

Our Fellows share their experiences in Aspen.
What is Aspen Institute España for you?
Aspen España Fellows

Aspen Institute España selects each year from its network of Alumni those who have excelled during their participation at the seminars to become candidates for the Aspen España Fellows Program.


The Aspen Institute Alumni Network is an engaged community of people actively participating in our educational and policy studies events, providing important input for our activities, and helping sustain our mission to foster leadership based on enduring values and to provide a nonpartisan venue for dealing with critical issues.


The creation of the Aspen Institute España Fellows Program joins the network of committed Aspen alumni with the mission of Aspen in Spain and offers its members the opportunity to join the international Network of Aspen. Aspen Fellows may be trained to become moderators of Aspen seminars and have access to other programs and seminars of The Aspen Institute. Thus, their role as representatives and ambassadors of Aspen España is encouraged.

Miguel Aguilar
literary director of Debate, Taurus and Literatura Random House
Aspen España is a space for reflection and discussion where you can look at new ideas or review old ideas, question some certainties and reaffirm others, and discover that there are many stimulating people to think and discuss with.
Marian Ahumada
Professor of Constitutional Law at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Íñigo Alfonso
Presenter at “Las Mañanas de RNE”
Carlos Álvarez-Romero
Aspen Institute España is to me the maximum reference of dialogue, tolerance, culture and freedom I have had the privilege of knowing. A crossroad where the wisdom of the classics converges with current issues. A permanent source of intellectual enrichment, an ever-evolving community of thought, an exciting forum for discussion and, above all, a brilliant group of friends.
Noelia Amoedo
CEO MEDIASMART (Affle Company)
Working in the world of technology, where everything changes every day and one feels permanently "ultra-busy", I greatly appreciate the Aspen España forum, which forces me to stop and think, in a space where debate is provoked (in many cases also debate with oneself) and respect. One thing I have learned at the Aspen España seminars is that good ideas can come from where you least expect them, and that bringing different perspectives to the table adds tremendous value. This is something that I have tried to keep in mind in my daily life, both personally and professionally.
Gonzalo Arana
Associate partner Public Sector and Financial Services at Oliver Wyman
Leading and placing people at the center of your decisions, based on solid values to change the world for the better, is not something easy or even trendy these days. It requires empathy, pause, time, thinking, arguing with respect, changing opinions, reading, and accepting that sometimes you are wrong. Aspen achieves all that thanks to its amazing professionals and guests with all its activities, talks, publications, discussion forums, etc. they launch. Aspen helps you to grow not only professionally but personally. I don't think there is anything alike, we should all be grateful and take advantage of it.
Gaspar Atienza
Partner J&A Garrigues and PhD in Public International Law and International Relations
Aspen España is a forum for discussion and almost meditation that allows us to understand today's concerns based on classic and current readings. It is a forum that allows you to grow personally and professionally, in which every participant offers different perspectives from which you always learn, by both speaking and listening. It is also a personal and meditative shelter in such a fast and changing world. Aspen España is, ultimately, a moral refuge that teaches and prepares you to work for and to the society of which we are part.

Santiago Barrenechea
President, Fundación PwC
Aspen España gives the chance to dialogue without restrictions on any subject that contributes to a freer, fairer and more egalitarian society and that is very stimulating.
Vicente Cancio
Teresa Cavero
Independent consultant on international development cooperation concerns
Aspen España is an fundamental space for reflection, dialogue, and construction of mutual understanding. An excellent choice of topics, readings, participants, moderators and speakers, makes constant learning and individual and collective growth possible. My professional work is linked to the analysis of the situation of poverty and inequality in which the poorest communities in the world live, its causes and the design of policies to reverse these situations. Aspen España dialogues are a source of permanent inspiration: the contrast of diverse opinions encourages the questioning of my own, and all this helps me to better understand my commitment to social justice.
Raquel Carretero
Senior Public and Regulatory Affairs Analyst at Repsol
Aspen is pure inspiration. It is both a safe space for open discussion and a trusted network that drives action through reading, introspection, and active listening. Diversity and the social and intellectual connection between people and ideas are the foundations that support the values-based leadership it promotes. Being able to share reflections, experiences and horizons in each of its meetings is a unique opportunity to grow, set new goals and dare to walk the path to achieve them.
Salome Cisnal de Ugarte
Partner, King & Spalding LLP
Participating at the Aspen Institute España Seminars is always incredibly powerful, eye-opening and enriching. It is hard to articulate the full experience, given the wealth of thought, knowledge and experience on display. It provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in the readings of philosophers and writers, and then discuss with other participants. But it is also an opportunity to delve into the societal challenges of our time, inspired by these readings and discussions, and develop as a leader in our society.
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