Moderators and Speakers
Teresa Cavero
Independent consultant on international development cooperation concerns and Aspen España Fellow
Silvana Tenreyro
External member of the Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England
Silvana Tenreyro is Professor in Economics at the London School of Economics. She obtained her MA and PhD in Economics from Harvard University. Before joining the Bank, she was co-Director and Board member of the Review of Economic Studies and Chair of the Women’s Committee of the Royal Economics Society. She is a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA). Since 1 January 2021, she is the President of the European Economic Association.
Evgeny Morozov
writer and researcher specialized in the political and social implications of technology
Evgeny Morozov is the author of The Net Delusion (2011) and To Save Everything, Click Here (2013). He is also the founder and the publisher of The Syllabus, a knowledge curation initiative. He holds a PhD in History of Science from Harvard University. He has been a visiting scholar at Stanford and Georgetown and has published in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Financial Times, and many other publications. His upcoming book is Freedom as a Service (2022).
Javier Espinoza
Financial Times's EU Correspondent
Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas
Senior Research Fellow and Research coordinator, CIDOB
Isabelle Le Galo Flores
Deputy Director for Spain, Fundación Daniel & Nina Carasso
Rita Faden
president of the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD)
Carl Byers
Founder and CEO, F-Prime Capital
Olivier Blanchard
Professor at MIT and Former Chief Economist (2008 - 2015), IMF
Judy Samuelson
Founder and executive director of the Aspen Institute Business and Society Program at The Aspen Institute
Joseph McMonigle
Secretary General at International Energy Forum
Salomé Santos
Agriculture Director of Azucarera and Aspen España Fellow