12 July 2018
7:30 am
Alumni and Friends of Aspen Institute España 2018 Reunion
Conference, Debate
Auditorio Uría Menéndez

Alumni and Friends of Aspen Institute España 2018 Reunion


As every year, Aspen Institute España has brought together all those who have participated or supported the programs and activities of Aspen in Spain in recent years. On the occasion of the occasion, we have organized a round table under the title: “Dialogue on the political vocation”, moderated by Miguel Herrero de Jaúregui, and in which several representatives of our Global Policy Program have participated:

Rocío Martínez-Sampere, former PSC deputy and director of the Felipe González Foundation

Guillermo Mariscal, PP deputy and Energy spokesperson

Jorge Lago, member of the Citizen Council of Podemos

Dolores González Pastor, Deputy for Citizens in the Madrid Assembly

Our annual reunion for alumni and friends is always a good occasion to exchange impressions, meet participants from other programs and celebrate the end of the course together, as well as an opportunity to thank your support, interest and commitment to the Aspen España project.

Biographies of the participants:

Guillermo Mariscal, Deputy of the PP in Congress. Deputy for Las Palmas, G.P. Popular. He is Spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Committee; Member of the Industry, Energy and Tourism Commission; Member of the Mixed Commission for Relations with the Court of Accounts and Alternate Member of the Spanish Delegation in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

Jorge Lago, Citizen Counselor of Podemos. Sociologist, editor, author of articles and books on transformations of the culture and social structure of late capitalism. Founding member of Podemos, member of the editorial board of ctxt and editor of Lengua de Trapo.

Dolores Gonzalez, Deputy of the Madrid Assembly, she is the spokesperson for the Commission for the Surveillance of Contracts and parliamentary initiatives for Regeneration and Transparency. She is an expert in analysis and strategy of business models, technological innovation and digital content. He began his political activity six years ago, advising the Congress of Deputies in the areas of Intellectual Property, Digital Economy and Telecommunications.

Rocío Martínez Sampere, director of Fundación Felipe González. Rocío holds an Economics degree from the University Pompeu Fabra (1992-1996), a Master in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (1997-1998) and a Master in Government and Public Policy from the LSE (1998-1999). She also holds an Academic proficiency in Economics from the University of Barcelona with a Thesis on micro-simulation tax. Rocío also has experience in the private sector (City of London), in the third sector (Fabian Society, CIDOB Foundation) and she has worked as Chief of Staff with Narcis Serra, Economic Adviser to President Maragall. She has been a member of the Spanish Parliament and Spokesperson on Economic Affairs in the VIII, IX, X legislatures. Rocío has been Secretary of Economy at the leadership of the PSC (Catalan Socialist Party) until her resignation in 2014.

Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui (Madrid, 1978) is Associate Professor of Classics at the University Complutense of Madrid. As a classicist and historian of religion, he deals mainly with ancient Greek culture and its Christian reception. He has worked as researcher in the Max Planck Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte and in the universities of Harvard, Oxford, Zürich and Bologna, and has lectured as invited professor in various academic institutions in English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. He is the author, among other works, of the book Orphism and Christianity in Late Antiquity (2010) and of the commented edition of the 16th cent. Latin version of Aristotle’s Politics by Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda that was used to justify the Spanish conquest of America (2013). Besides his academic activity, Miguel has collaborated as seminar moderator with Aspen Institute Spain, and has worked as technical advisor for the Madrid Regional Government in the fields of Higher Education and Scientific Research. 

More information
    • Rocío Martínez-Sampere
    Auditorio Uría Menéndez
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    • Conference
    • Debate