29 September 2020
4:00 pm
Aspen Cañada-Blanch: “Leadership and Values in Europe”

Leadership and Values in Europe


Last 29th of September, 2020, Aspen Institute España and Fundación Cañada Blanch held the first extraordinary session with partipants of the three editions, with the framework of the 3rd Edition of the Aspen-Cañada Blanch Seminar “Leadership and Values ​​in Europe”. During the digital debate, moderated by José M. de Areilza, Secretary General of Aspen Institute España, the participants debated about the future of Europe after the pandemic from their perception as European citizens and members of a new generation of leaders.

This Seminar, and therefore, the extraordinary sessions, bring together young emerging leaders from different professional fields and from different countries, which brings great diversity and richness to the conversation.

The program is sponsored by the State Secretariat for the European Union and the initiative Hablamos de Europa.

More information

  • José M. de Areilza
  • Debate