24 November 2022
4:30 pm
Debate Tech & Society: «Privacy is power»
Espacio Fundación Telefónica

Debate Tech & Society: “Privacy is power”


Aspen Institute España, in collaboration with Fundación Telefónica, hosted last Tuesday, November 24th at 4.30 pm the third session of the VI Edition of the Tech & Society Program on “Privacy is power” with Carissa Véliz, professor at the Institute of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence and Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford University. The session was moderated by Luis Villa, Independent Consultant Strategy and Design and Aspen España Fellow, and will bring together 30 public sector, business, media and academia participants.


In this session, Carissa Véliz discussed privacy, power and democracy. What is the relationship between data, knowledge, and power? What role does privacy play in liberal democracies? How is data being used in geopolitics? How does digitalization affect freedom?

Carissa Véliz

Professor at the Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence and a fellow of Hertford College at the University of Oxford. She is the recipient of the Herbert A. Simon 2021 award for outstanding research in computer science and philosophy. She is the author of the acclaimed book Privacy Is Power (Debate) and editor of the Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. She advises policymakers around the world on privacy and the ethics of artificial intelligence.


Luis Villa 

He is an independent advisor on digital strategy and transformation, focusing on responsible business. He advises investors and executives in large companies and international start-ups on their digital strategy processes. He also gives talks and conferences and shares his experience as a professor of Customer Experience at the Instituto de Empresa and as a mentor to young professionals. For more than twenty years, the work of his teams has impacted millions of people every day. This experience has made him aware of the scale and impact of technology on business and society. From design, Luis has brought a humanistic and creative approach to technology, helping to build companies such as The Cocktail (acquired by WPP), Fjord (acquired by Accenture) and the creation of Accenture Interactive, traveling the world, opening studios and launching projects. Luis believes in the importance of hybrid profiles to connect people and generate changes that last. He breaks down silos and designs different ways of doing things, more inclusive, collaborative, productive, and, why not, fun. Luis is an Aspen Spain Fellow. In addition, Luis has collaborated and published with the World Economic Forum in the Digital Transformation of Industries initiative, he also collaborates with the Real Instituto Elcano, in its Technological Transformations group.


VI Edition of the Tech & Society Program

Aspen Institute España and Fundación Telefónica launched the VI Edition of the Tech & Society Program. The VI edition will bring together leaders from all sectors of civil society to discuss the new technological challenges and their influence in areas as diverse as human relations, politics, education, culture, economics and medicine

Tech & Society Program has become the main forum in Spain for reflection on the major issues raised by advances in digital technologies. The fifth edition will gather leaders from all sectors of civil society to discuss the new technological challenges and their influence in areas as diverse as human relations, politics, education, culture, economics and medicine.

Leigh Hafrey, Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, Sandy Parakilas, Chief Strategy Officer for the Center for Humane Technology, who recently appeared in the Netflix documentary “The Social Media Dilemma”, Cathy O’Neil, author of Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens DemocracyBeth Noveck, director of The Gov Lab and professor in the Technology, Culture, and Society department at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering, and who led the Obama Administration’s Open Government Initiative, are some of the speakers who have participated as speakers through the Tech & Society Program throughout its different editions.


You can access former interviews and conferences of the Program on our  YouTube channel.

More information

  • Carissa Véliz
  • Luis Villa
Espacio Fundación Telefónica
  • Debate