10 September 2021
10:00 am
Aspen Ideas «Economic outlook: United Kingdom and the European context» with Silvana Tenreyro

Aspen Ideas «Economic outlook: United Kingdom and the European context» with Silvana Tenreyro


Aspen Institute España held a session last September, 10, 2021 on «Economic outlook: United Kingdom and the European context» with Professor Silvana Tenreyro, External member of the Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England. The session was moderated by Óscar Arce, Director General, Economics, Statistics and Research at Banco de España.

The session brought together a group of approximately 25 participants from various sectors of civil society, thus creating a neutral forum for reflection and debate on the current economic situation in the United Kingdom and Europe. The debate took place in English and was held under the Chatham House Rule.



Silvana Tenreyro is Professor in Economics at the London School of Economics. She obtained her MA and PhD in Economics from Harvard University. Before joining the Bank, she was co-Director and Board member of the Review of Economic Studies and Chair of the Women’s Committee of the Royal Economics Society. She is a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA). Since 1 January 2021, she is the President of the European Economic Association. In the past, Silvana worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and served as external Monetary Policy Committee member for the Central Bank of Mauritius. She has also been Director of the Macroeconomics Programme at the International Growth Centre, Chair of the Women in Economics Committee of the European Economic Association, Member at Large of the European Economic Association, panel member for economic policy and Associate Editor for JEEA, the Journal of Monetary Economics, Economica, and the Economic Journal. She is a lead academic at the Centre for Macroeconomics and Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance and the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Her main research interests are macroeconomics –particularly monetary policy– international economics and macro-development.


Recommended readings:

Monetary Policy Report – August 2021, Bank of England


Aspen Ideas Program

The Aspen Ideas Program includes Aspen Espresso sessions – face-to-face debates from 9 to 11 am-, and Aspen Ideas @ Lunch – face-to-face debates from 2 to 4 pm- and Aspen Ideas -online debates- and aims to constitute a forum for debate on current issues for emerging leaders from different sectors of society, many of whom have already participated in Aspen Spain programs. On the occasion of the publication of books or in the thread of news, we will bring together groups of 30 people with experts on geopolitics, new technologies, leadership, energy or international economics.


More information

  • Silvana Tenreyro
  • Óscar Arce
  • Debate