22 November 2023
7:00 pm
Lecture and Colloquium: “Sustainability in times of uncertainty”
Auditorio CaixaBank

Lecture and Colloquium: “Sustainability in times of uncertainty” with José Ignacio Goirigolzarri


Aspen Institute España hosted a lecture and colloquium for Aspen Institute España Alumni on Wednesday, 22 November from 19.00h to 20.30h on “Sustainability in times of uncertainty”, with José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, Chairman of CaixaBank and member of the Board of Trustees of Aspen Institute España. The lecture and colloquium was moderated by Fiona Maharg-Bravo, partner at Brunswick Group and Aspen España Fellow, and took place at the CaixaBank Auditorium in Madrid.



Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri Tellaeche

Born in Bilbao in 1954. Married with two children. Degree in Economics and Business Studies from the Universidad Comercial de Deusto. Finance and Strategic Planning from the University of Leeds (U.K.). Lecturer at the Commercial University of Deusto, in the Strategic Planning Area (1977-1979). Joined Banco de Bilbao and in 1994 became a member of BBV’s Management Committee, responsible for Commercial Banking in Spain and Latin American operations. In 2001 he was appointed CEO of the BBVA Group, a position he held until October 2009. In May 2012, he was elected Chairman of Bankia and its parent company, BFA, serving as such until March 2021, when Bankia merged with CaixaBank. At that time, he was appointed Executive Chairman of CaixaBank. He has been Director and Vice Chairman of Telefónica and Repsol, as well as Chairman of the Spain-USA Foundation, Director of BBVA Bancomer in Mexico, and Director of Citic Bank in China. He is currently Chairman of CaixaBank, Vice-Chairman of CECA, Vice-Chairman of the FAD Foundation, Chairman of Deusto Business School, and Chairman of CaixaBank Dualiza.



Fiona Maharg-Bravos

She is partner at Brunswick Group in Madrid, specialising in business and strategic communication. She spent her early career in London as an analyst at JP Morgan and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, followed by over 13 years as a financial columnist with Reuters Breakingviews in London and Madrid and as a regular contributor on Spanish business for the Economist. More recently she moved in-house to Telefónica where she spent four years as Director of International and Financial Communications. Fiona holds a BA/MA in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Chicago and a diploma in Economics from the University of Cambridge. She is Aspen España Fellow.

More information

  • José Ignacio Goirigolzarri
  • Fiona Maharg Bravo
Auditorio CaixaBank
  • Conference