07 March 2014 - 08 March 2014
Seminar: Eyes on Europe, the present and future of Spain

On the 7th and 8th of March, 2014, Aspen Institute España and ESADE Business and Law School  celebrated a seminar on Spain titled “Eyes on Europe, the present and future of Spain” in Barcelona.

The obejctive of the seminar is to facilitate a space where participants can reflect and converse on frontier issues on the economy, politics, and society in Spain.  The focus of this edition was to debate on Spain and its relationship with the European Union.  The seminar brought together 4o invididuals with diverse backgrounds for roundtable debates on “the EU and governing the economy,” and “politics, institutions, identity, and culture in the EU,” guided through by experts Enrique Verdeguer, Director of ESADE Madrid, and Enrique Mora Benavente, Diplomat and Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and moderated by Isaac Martín Barbero, General Director at ICEX, and Belén Barreiro, Labratory Director at  Fundación Alternativas. Joschka Fischer, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vicechancellor of Germany (1998-2005) also gave a fireside chat.


More information

    Aspen Institute España

    ESADE Business and Law School

  • Enrique Mora Benavente
  • Enrique Verdeguer
  • Seminar