20 April 2020
Institutional creativity to build the future
By: Aspen Institute España

Institutional creativity to build the future

Last Tuesday, April 14th, we held our second Aspen Ideas Online, within the series of digital debates that we are organizing about our changing environment.

The April 14th session focused on “Joining forces in times of crisis: institutional creativity to build the future” and had as a speaker Darío Gil, Director of IBM Research in the US. It was moderated by Rocío Martínez-Sampere, Director of the Felipe González Foundation and Aspen España Fellow.

Based on the reflections of Darío Gil, who has launched the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium in the US in just five days, to fight from the supercomputers of some thirty private and public institutions against the virus, a group of prominent businessmen, executives, journalists, academics and representatives of the third sector discussed how the crises have served as catalysts for the renewal and creation of new institutions (both national and international), and have helped solve the problems of that moment and build a better future.

The speaker recommended several readings that we would like to share with you:

In addition, José M. de Areilza published a few days ago the article “Heroes in times of panic” where he talks about the initiative taken by the speaker of this session, Darío Gil. Below you can also find a video of the Felipe González Foundation with Darío Gil in which he talks about how the creation of the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium is a good example of institutional creativity.

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